
Ruby on Rails, HTML, CSS, Javascript, Heroku

Momentum is a new software project that allows non profit organizations or social movements to organize their internal structure.

Completed User stories include :
As a admin you are able to create families and people that belong to those families.
As a admin you are able to create departments and assign people to those departments
As a admin you are able to create events and check people into those events
As a admin you are able to view statistics total users, families, people, and track attendance and movement growth over time.

This project is still new and has many user stories to implement in the next few weeks. Some examples

Build out UI for dashboard and stats
As a admin you are able to create event needs
As a admin you are able to sign people to serve in those events to meet needs
As a user you are able to create an account. and view your dashboard
As a user you are able to see news, upcoming events, and serving opportunities on your dashboard
As a user you are able to sign up to serve in an event or department
As a admin you are able to approve and assign users serving in an event or department
As a user you will be able to give money or pay for group activities
As a user you will be able to become a leader and establish a group
As a leader you will be able to add people to your group and group details
As a leader you will be able to message your group members
As a user you will be able to email other people.
As a user you will be able to report a bug or development suggestion

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